Thursday, December 18, 2008
Merry Christmas
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Labels: holiday
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Toy Piano

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Yet another Urgent Care Visit
Oh and did I had food poisoning too but that only lasted 24 hours so it is over with now.
Posted by The Thomas Family 1 comments
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!
When I blog I usually like to upload pictures to tell my story with. I lost my camera so I haven't been blogging but it's been to long. The last time I wrote was right after thanksgiving so lets see what has been going on since then. Skyler is so dang close to crawling we can't even stand it, he stands on his knees with his arms on the floor, in the crawling position, and rocks back and fourth but can't get the forward thing down. He is sitting up by himself great now. Thanks to our friends Taylor and Chelsey, the babysat Skyler for us when we went to Clint's work dinner and practiced sitting up with him forever. Clint's work party was great we had lots of fun, we played trivia and the first and second place tables got to pick there prices first. We were second so picked a nice rolling desk chair for Clint when we get a desk. The next day I had a girls night out with Marya and Mary we went shopping then had dessert at Chilli's until 11pm which at that point we all were exhausted! Our new ward is fantastic, we love them! We had a ward Christmas party last weekend which Tuscanos catered. After the ward party we hung out with Ryan and Carmen. Ryan and Clint played WII, that was there Christmas present. I wish Clint wanted a WII but he wants and xbox, who knows if thats what he's getting for Christmas ;-) The next day we went over to dinner to a couples house for the ward dinner group that we signed up for. They made homemade tamales!! YUMMY! Then we all went over to another couples house for advent. Every Sunday in the month of December you get together with a bunch of couples sing Christmas music, eat dessert, and drink wassale, (I think thats what it's called, Clint and I had never had it before) and hot coca. We are enjoying the Christmas season so much! Our house is all decorated. We did blue lights and ornaments so it looks like a Cougar tree, hahaha. Only here two more years then the South here we come! No, but it is really cute. It hasn't snowed at all which has been depressing cause I want a white Christmas! But It started Sunday and we have a good amount on the ground now!!! We are done with Christmas shopping finally! So now we are just enjoying the season! Just a note to end the blog with "The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His Presence" Everyone try and remember that this time of year! I promise I won't go two weeks again with out posting.
Posted by The Thomas Family 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The snowboarding adventure
Posted by The Thomas Family 1 comments
Family Reunion & Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving Aunt Janet got all the family together for a reunion at Brian Head Resort. We stayed in a GORGEOUS cabin. Skyler, of course, loved seeing his Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and Great Grandma. Thanks Janet! I made cheesy potatoes, 7 layer Jello, and deviled eggs.
Which seemed to be a hit!
We took Family Pictures, played the WII, lots, went Sledding, and went snowboarding...
and of course ate lots of food!

Posted by The Thomas Family 0 comments
Yes, of course I went to the midnight showing of twilight! I made my hubby go and brought my little sister Becca. I worked before we went to the movie and Clint went and bought us both twilight shirts for the movie.
"Clint has my heart, Edward Cullen has my neck!"
Now my rating on the movie: I loved it, I thought it was a awesome movie, but of course it wasn't twilight. The movie did follow the book really well. In the books you can write details like what Bella was thinking but in the movie there isn't really a way to included that as well. On Tuesday, if we can get the times right, I am going to see the movie again with Our cousin Amber. While Clint and Ben play with the babes.
Posted by The Thomas Family 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Head over Heals in the Moment
I have several exciting things happening in the next couple weeks and I wanted to share it with everyone. I have been working back at Famous Footwear a couple days a week but recently was given and offer to become a part time assistant manager! I am really excited I will be working about the same amount of time but more pay and a little more responsibility, which is always nice. Friday at 12:01 am I will be watching the Twilight movie premier and couldn't be more excited! On Saturday it's the BYU vs UT game and of course, Clint is going to be watching it. I, on the other hand, will be going to a Stampin' Up! card party to get all me Christmas cards made! Then that night we are going with our best friends Matt and Marya to Thanksgiving Point, they are having hay rides, food, games, and all the Christmas lights and Elves will be out from 6pm to midnight. The following Wednesday is the day before Thanksgiving, and guess where we will be going, thanks to our "favorite Aunt Janet" ;-) to Brian Head Resort! We are staying at a beautiful cabin with all the family! So SNOWBOARDING HERE I COME! It will be a lot of fun! We will be there from the 26th to the 30th! On the 1st, my nurse Alisha Baker in the University of Utah Hospital on the ICU floor and her husband are coming down to Provo to see Clint and I! I haven't seen her since I was in the Hospital so It will be great! I am really excited! Then last of course, It's CHRISTMAS TIME! I couldn't be more ready and excited for Skyler's first Christmas with us! I will be doing my first Christmas dinner at our house and having people from the ward that aren't going to families and My mom coming over! The next two months should be so fun!
Quick update on Skyler. He is rolling around all over the place and sitting up pretty well on his own. Now for the negative, he likes to see mom at all times. Well that isn't the easist like when I need to go to the bathroom or want to get dressed, I end up listening to Skyler scream until he can see me again and then he stops right away. Awhhh but how we adore him!
Posted by The Thomas Family 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Its Official - Charlotte 2010
Clint officially accepted his offer from PwC today! He'll be doing his summer internship starting in early June. The pic to the right is of Charlotte. Clint will actually be working downtown, mostly working a lot in the Bank of America building (the largest building in the pic).
Posted by The Thomas Family 5 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"Stop in the name of love"
Posted by The Thomas Family 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Just like a shadow I'll be beside you
I am so ready for the Holidays to begin, snow to start, and snowboarding to begin. This weekend we are going to Gardner Village which is festive so it's going to get me in Holiday fever even more.We are going with Clint's friends from North Carolina; Ryan and Carmen. It will be a lot of fun! Then we are going again on the 22nd for this neat thing they are doing from 6pm- midnight. You can win prizes, we will have dinner, and there is carriage rides; I think Matt & Marya are going to come and I might try and get my Mom and sisters to come too. On the 21st Twilight finally comes to theaters! We have tickets to the midnight showing, my little sister Becca is coming with us. I think I have watched the trailer to the Twilight movie like 10 times so it's about time! Last night one of my friends Sami came over and spent the day with Skyler and I, we made Broccoli & Ham Quiche. The Quiche was really good but a little wet. Does anyone have a good Quiche recipe?! Clint loves it and I want to have a great recipe for the winter. Speaking of great recipes has anyone tried the Potato, Corn and Ham Chowder? I am telling you it's to die for! Last night I also made Snickerdoodles. If you are a fan of Snickerdoodles, I found an amazing recipe too. I have really started to enjoy cooking lately. I try to have dinner ready every night by the time Clint gets home. Last night it ended up being to late so tonight for Family Home Evening we are going to give cookies a couple people in are ward. We are going to ding dong ditch them. It will be fun! We had a really big blessing happen this morning it never ceases to amaze me how the Lord is always there and constantly watching over you and blessing your life as long as your faithful. Why do people every do unfaithful things, I mean I know I'm not perfect so this question is to me too. But if you know that when your faithful Heavenly Father will bless you I wonder why anyone ever messes up. Skyler is growing everyday I LOVE BEING HIS MOM! I think that is the greatest blessing that anyone can receive. Clint leaves Thursday morning for Atlanta, keep him in your prayers for a safe travel and a good interview. I hate when he travels but he is going to have to travel is whole career so I guess I better start getting used to it. It has been raining for the past two days, I wish it would storm with it or just snow instead because it is a cold rain! The name of the Snickerdoodles cookies I didn't make up, I swear, thats really the name of them when I found the recipe. :-)
"This must be one of the best cookies I have ever eaten!' AKA Snickerdoodles
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar (I used light brown)
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar Topping 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon
( I added a dash of ground nutmeg & cloves)
In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars at high speed. Add egg, vanilla, and beat until smooth. In another bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda, and cream of tartar. Pour dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, mix well. Preheat oven to 350° while you let dough rest 30-60 minutes in fridge. In a small bowl combine topping. Take about 2 1/2 tablespoons of dough and roll it into a ball. Roll this dough in the cinnamon/sugar mixture and press onto greased cookie sheet. Bake cookies 10-12 minutes, NO MORE. Cookies may seem undercooked but will develop. Don't roll your dough into too big of a ball; they may not turn out in that much time if you do that.
Posted by The Thomas Family 4 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It's not Fall with out some Festivales
On Friday night Clint, Skyler, and I went out to dinner with Matt and Marya to Chili's! We definitely dressed up because it was Halloween. If you couldn't tell from them pictures, Skyler was a pea in a pod, Clint was a farmer, and I was a Farmer's wife. We grew Skyler! ;-) Then we went to Clint's Religion Professor's house for a Halloween get together. He lived in a gorgeous neighborhood! We went back to our house and just talked and laughed. The husbands quizzed Marya and I on football and lets just say we know what we are talking about ;-) haha! They left about the same time April and Jack stopped by. April and I left and did a Halloween prank to one of their friends Brett. It was hilarious. The boys just stayed back and watched the Office. We headed to bed right after because I had to work in the morning. Saturday, I worked in the morning. Then I got my hair chopped off! We of course watched the football game, BYU played horrible but still won! It was nice to just spend the day with Clint. We talked about how blessed we know we are about having really great friends, that we know will last a lifetime! Happiness is a choice and "counting your many blessings" will always bring happiness in your life! Right now it is raining outside, with windows open and are just listening to the rain, and here and there some thunder! We miss Southern Thunderstorms!
Posted by The Thomas Family 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't ever kick a pumpkin
Monday Clint & I were really busy so we did FHE on Tuesday. We carved pumpkins as the activity. Then went outside and took a bunch of fall pictures. In about two weeks Hillary (Clint's Cousin) who takes amazing pictures is going to take family pictures of all of us, we are really excited. Anyway, There is the picture with Skyler and I with the pumpkin on the tree. After Clint took the picture I stepped away, and my pumpkin fell on the ground and broke. Of course, Clint thought it was hilarious and just started laughing hysterically. I was mad and decided it would make it better if I kicked the pumpkin needles to say I have a bruise on my foot. Never kick a pumpkin! haha.
Skyler is a rolling genius! He rolls all over the place. He is getting a personality. You can play with him now, he laughs and growls back at you. He likes to grab everything! We went to dinner with some friends a couple weeks ago and Skyler grabbed Clint's drink and knocked it over. He sleeps all through the night which is amazing for both of his parents but doesn't really like napping during the day. His favorite things is his teddy bear and his new hippo. We love his noises. I could just listen to him all day! He can't crawl forward yet but he crawls backwards.
Kaley loves being a mom! She is finally gone down on her prednisone. Which of course she is so excited about. She has been scrapbooking and painting a lot lately. Art is Kaley's most passionate hobby's. Recently she started back at famous footwear again, just working about 2 days a week. Her boss told her that they are looking for a part time assistant manager. Kaley would only have to work 15-20 hours a week and she would get a raise. She has defiantly been there long enough, since before we started dating. We are hoping that she gets it but we will see how it goes. It's just good for her right now to be back at work and get out of the house a little bit per week. Clint loves soup so Kaley has been trying add soups into are weekly meals. Here is a recipe she found and made that is fantastic! Clint had 5 bowls. haha. Potato Corn, and Ham Chowder:
1 c. sliced carrots
1 c. chopped celery
1/4 c. chopped green onion (optional)
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3/4 c. water
2 c. corn
1 1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. evaporated milk or cream
1 c. diced pasteurized cheese
I added 1 1/2 cups of chopped cooked ham (just got at the deli)
Didn't add celery, and added just 1/2 can of canned carrots ( a lot easier)
I added 1 cup of just shredded cheddar cheese. I probably added 2 1/2 cups of potatoes. (About 3 medium potatoes) I also added like a quarter of a package of Lipton Onion Soup Mix to the potatoes. The evaporated milk I just added a normal size can. I also though that you needed a little more water in the potatoes. I used one can of cream corn and then a cup of the frozen corn from Costco that we have. Defiantly use cream corn!
I got corn bread, added half a can of cream corn and put the soup on top of the bread.
Simmer potatoes, carrots, celery, green onion, salt, pepper and water, covered, 15 minutes. Add corn and simmer another 5 minutes. Add milk, cream and cheese; stir until cheese melts and soup is heated. Do not boil. The serve!
It made about 6 full bowls.
For Halloween Clint and Kaley are being farmers and if we can get Sky the custom from Old Navy we are going to have Skyler be a pea in a pod, if not he will be a farmer with us too! We are going to dinner with 2 couples. After dinner we are going to a ward party then stopping by Clint's professors house, he wants his students to tricker treat at his house, thought we could bring Skyler to a few houses. Then everyone is coming back to our house to play games! We are really excited! Stay tunned for pictures! Happy Halloween!
Pray for us to accept the right place to interview next summer!
Posted by The Thomas Family 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
CONGRATS CLINT we love you
Clint had interviews at BYU with 5 firms, the big 4 and Grant Thornton. After the first round of interviews PWC, Deloitte, and E &Y called him back to go for a second office visit. PWC was initially Clint's favorite firm. This summer Clint also went to two leadership programs for PWC in Chicago and E & Y in Atlanta. Clint loved the Atlanta office for E & Y (really the reason was because one of there clients is coke, ;-) and they have free coke machines on every floor). Last Thursday Clint went to PWC in Charlotte, NC for his second office visit. It went really well and today PWC contacted Clint offering an internship for next summer!
Of course Clint still wants to go to his other two interviews to explore all his options. Next Thursday Clint will go back to E & Y in Atlanta and then on the tenth he will be going to Raleigh, NC with Deloitte. Wish him luck! We are so proud of him!
Firm | Revenues | Employees | Fiscal Year |
PricewaterhouseCoopers [1] | $28.2bn | 146,700 | 2008 |
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu [2] | $27.4bn | 165,000 | 2008 |
Ernst & Young [3] | $24.5bn | 130,000 | 2008 |
KPMG [4] | $19.8bn | 123,000 | 2007 |

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